FCF Store
World Parrot Expo
Join us September 27th and 28th, 2025 to experience World Parrot Expo!
Let's "Celebrate the World of Parrots" as Flight Club Foundation moves it's largest fundraiser of the year to a new location with a name! Enjoy the same fun, free, family experience we began in 2017 with Seattle Parrot Expo: International, Professional Speakers (Featured Speaker Series); Exhibitors Hall; Parrots of the World Aviary; Rainforest exhibition; Parrot Games; Parrot Tales; Photo Booth. Get all of your parrot questions answered by the top professionals. Score amazing deals for parrot supplies all in one place at one time in addition to supporting the smaller, artisan businesses that provide the true sustainable network that helps stablize our planet. Come for the Expo, stay for the party! Yup, this year, we will be offering an amazing Saturday night experience too. So be sure to make plans to join us from everywhere you are right here in the heart of the Pacific Northwest!