Welcome to
World Parrot Expo 2025!
Being an Exhibitor at World Parrot Expo means more than participating in our Exhibitor Hall. You also receive online presence making your donation as an exhibitor even more memorable!
We will feature a link, description, image and logo of your brand on the 2025 Exhibitors page of the World Parrot Expo website! Take a look at our 2024 Exhibitors page!
In 2025, we are populating the page as you sign up giving you even longer exposure time! Your exhibition will be posted in the order registered and paid so be sure to register early to maximize your brand and pledge in helping us create the largest parrot-centered event in the US.
Not only will you be posted to this website, but we will also post your joining us on our World Parrot Expo FB page when you register!
So, we opened our 2025 exhibitors page that may look empty that will populate as you register while keeping our previous year engaged. After all, it's EXPO SEASON meaning we guarantee website presence for the period of one year from September 10 until September 10.
This guarantee can only happen if you make sure to sign up before our deadline of AUGUST 29, 2025! That is when we close registration for exhibition so we can turn to preparing an amazing, live event you are about to experience. The last update goes up by the September 10th deadline and stays until we reopen registration beginning the last weekend of January every year!
Exhibitors are encouraged to contribute to our SWAG BAGS! 100 Swag bags go out to in person attendees and volunteers working hard to provide you with an experience you will not forget. Show them how much you care with a fun donation to SWAG!​
We are reworking our contract. All exhibitor contracts must be turned in to our Exhibitor Coordinator, Ellen Lane, before set up is allowed.
Important Note! NO LIVE ANIMALS are for sale, sold, traded, adopted at this event or on the event grounds (the Parking Lot). All live animals are required to be checked in by our staff veterinarian on Saturday or they will be not allowed to stay on the grounds. This is for the safety of our animals that are present at the event and to help reduce impulse purchases of pets. We want people to learn where they can receive valid information and sources for animals that are focused on education as well as their pet purchases. You help make that possible. Thank you.
ALL PRODUCT DONATION is DUE September 19th. Any product donation that expires given during World Parrot Expo will be utilized as needed for the parrots in care as a part of Flight Club Foundation.
SPONSOR TABLE: $300.00 donation
Your donation includes:
Feature your brand manned or unmanned at Seattle Parrot Expo on a 2.5 x 8 ft table.
Name listed in centerfold of printed program. 500 copies.
Name, Logo, Image, description, link listed on Exhibitors Page of Website in order of date registered and paid.
FB post on Seattle Parrot Expo and Flight Club Foundation included once registered and paid.
Table located at hotspot locations or in Exhibitor Hall (limit 8).
Cannot be expanded or combined.
All directions for setting up unmanned tables must be emailed to sianbabs@hotmail.com.
All materials for unmanned tables need to be sent to 31425 52nd Ave S. Auburn, WA 98001.
CORNER BOOTH: $200.00 donation
Your donation includes:
10' x 10' Space in the Exhibitors Hall.
2- 2' x 6' tables provided.
Name listed in centerfold of printed program. 500 copies.
Name, Logo Image, Description and Link listed on Exhibitors Page of Website in order of date registered and paid.
FB post on Seattle Parrot Expo FB page.
Can be expanded or combined with other adjacent booth spaces.
INLINE BOOTH: $150.00 donation
Your donation includes:
10' x 10' Space in the Exhibitors Hall.
1- 2' x 6' table provided.
Name listed in centerfold of printed program. 500 copies.
Name, Logo Image, Description and Link listed on Exhibitors Page of Website in order of date registered and paid.
FB post on Seattle Parrot Expo FB page.
Can be expanded or combined with other adjacent booth spaces.
NONPROFIT BOOTH: $75.00 donation
Your donation includes:
10' x 10' Space in the Exhibitors Hall.
1- 2' x 6' table provided.
Name listed in centerfold of printed program. 500 copies.
Name, Logo Image, Description and Link listed on Exhibitors Page of Website in order of date registered and paid.
FB post on Seattle Parrot Expo FB page.
Cannot be expanded or combined with other adjacent booth spaces.
EXTRA TABLE : $25.00 donation