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Earn your wings with Flight Club Foundation! Become a Member today!

Members of Flight Club Foundation earn rewards for joining and supporting our 501 c(3) parrot networking and humane society's ongoing programs. Everyone receives our renewed newsletter, Flight Feathers, due to reissue March 2023, quarterly and 10% off discount at the FCF store! This includes, yes, a discount to register for speakers at Seattle Parrot Expo!

Supporters and more receive the FCF calendar at the end of the year showcasing what we have accomplished together with wonderful sayings. Yes, member birds can be on there! We send all supporter members and more our special aviator pin that showcases our parrot logo. Take a good look--there is a human face there!

Bird Members like our Frequent Flyers*, Family Flyers* and Professionals* also have access to our exclusive opportunities like the ability for us to create GoFundMe accounts or utilize our account to open bill payments for others to pay at Pine Tree Veterinary hospital. That is why we are eager for you to join us so we can better help our bird-owning members.

We want you to bring parrots out of homes so they learn new opportunities and experiences the same daily surroundings cannot offer. We have been flying birds together since 2005 and have seen very little disease, stress or negative consequences, but have seen significant behavioral improvement in birds' lives. Parrot Playdates is an opportunity to learn complex behavior skills from socializing to improving physiology through flight. After all many of us enjoy going to the gym, so should your bird!

*all members at these levels require a CBC of your bird annually and the abilltiy to contact your veterinarian about your birds' health. Please do not bring your bird your first visit so you can better guage the current birds, people and space.


Membership -- Family Flyers
Membership -- Family Flyers
Membership -- Family Flyers
The Ultimate Enrichment, Parrot Socialization!
Membership--Active Flyer
Membership--Active Flyer
Membership--Active Flyer
The Ultimate Enrichment, Parrot Socialization!
Flight Club Foundation's official square logo
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Flight Club Foundation 31425 52nd Ave S. Auburn, WA 98001

© 2022 by Flight Club Foundation - a 501(c)3 nonprofit organization 

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